Vse se vrti okrog jagod.
- 25g tapioki moke
- 75g ovsenih kosmičev
- 2 jajci
- stevia
- 5g pecilnega praška
- butter milk*
*Butter milk: v 3-4 žlice mleka stisneš žličko limoninega soka ali kisa in pustiš stati 10 minut. Jaz raje uporabim limonin sok.
V mlačni vodi raztopiš tapioko. V blender daš ovsene kosmiče, pecilni, stevio, jajce, tapioko in butter milk. Dobro zmiksaš. Spečeš v ponvi. Priporočam manjše palačinke ala "american pancakes" ker jih je lažje obračati. Popečeš na obeh straneh.
Dekoracija po želji.
Dober tek!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Its all about strawberries :)
The recipe for my english readers:
- 25g tapioca flour
- 75g oats
- 2 eggs
- stevia
- 5g baking powder
- butter milk*
*Butter milk: Add a tsp lemon juice or vinegar in 3-4 tbsp of milk. Let it rest for 10 minutes. I prefer lemon juice.
Put tapioca in a little bit warm water to dissolve. Blend all the ingredients together. Bake in a pan on both sides.
Bon ap!
I would love to read your pancake recipes in comments below.
Have a nice day!
*Recept ni moj, našla sem ga pred časom na spletu.*